#Clap for our Carers - support the NHS 


Brighton and Hove for Europe is proud to support this event on Thursdays. Please come to your door or window at 8pm to show your appreciation for the wonderful staff, from the UK, the EU and further afield, who are keeping our health and social care service afloat in such difficult circumstances. 


Keep the flame alive - BH4EU workshops


Since the December 2019 election, BH4EU has been continuing to meet, to discuss how we can best fight for the values of pro-Europeanism. All meetings are now taking place via conference call. Details of future meetings will appear here. 








People's Vote March — Saturday 19 October 2019


Hundreds of People's Vote supporters from Brighton and Hove descended on London for the Final Say march. Our double-decker coach was packed and many more flocked on to trains to make their voices heard as Parliament sat on a Saturday for the first time since the Falklands war. 


As the speeches began in Parliament Square (and while the BH4EU group was still making its way down Piccadilly, such were the numbers on the march) we received the very welcome news that the Letwin amendment had passed, forcing Johnson to ask for the extension he said he'd never request. We live to fight another day! For many more images from the day, click here.

Rally For Our Rights — Saturday 12 October 2019


Our own Susie Courtault addressed the crowds at this event on behalf of Women 4 Europe.


The rally focused on those whose rights will be threatened or removed by Brexit: EU27 citizens, British citizens living in EU27 countries, women and minorities. Despite the grim weather, thousands gathered to show solidarity with those for whom Brexit is an existential threat to their freedom.


For more photos and video click here

Brighton and Hove People's Parliament — Saturday 12 October 2019


A number of BH4EU members attended this event, organised by our three local MPs as a response to the unlawful prorogation of Parliament. 


Attendees overwhelmingly REJECTED the motion that "Britain will only come together if Brexit is implemented", confirming Brighton and Hove as the spiritual capital of Remainia. And MPs Peter Kyle (Labour, Hove), Caroline Lucas (Green, Brighton Pavilion) and Lloyd Russell-Moyle (Labour, Kemptown) showed their support for Saturday's People's Vote March with BH4EU member Frances Bill.

Rise up and Resist: Sunday 22 September 2019


Best for Britain, Women for Europe and Brighton and Hove for EU combined for the Rise up & Resist march and rally, to coincide with the start of Labour Party Conference in Brighton.


Hundreds of supporters marched from the Palace Pier to the i360 to hear great speakers including:


Caroline Lucas MP

Peter Kyle MP

Alex Philips MEP

Rosie Duffield MP

Naomi Smith, Best for Britain

 see more images from the day here


People's Vote March: Saturday 21 September 2019


More than 5000 people marched in Brighton at the start of the Labour conference, to demand a People's Vote on Brexit. 



Speakers included:


Peter Kyle MP and Phil Wilson MP

Keir Starmer MP

Emily Thornberry MP

Caroline Lucas MP

Rania Ramli, For our Future's Sake 


Candle Vigil for Democracy

Saturday 7 September 2019


Hundreds of BH4EU supporters gathered at the Peace Statue to protest against Boris Johnson's shocking attacks on our freedoms and our democratic institutions.

Democracy is holding out against the extremists at the top of government.


30 March 2019, EU SOS

Four hundred people gathered on the white cliffs at SaltJoin us to show togetherness and unity in the face of Brexit chaos and send an SOS signal to the rest of Europe. Bring a mirror! 

Here is a video about the event, thanks to William Ranieri from Latest TV

Put it to the People March, 23 March, London

Just six days before the Government was going to take Britain out of the EU, Brighton & Hove for EU were among the million people marching on Parliament with a simple demand: Give the people the final say on Brexit, in a crisis that threatens their living standards, businesses and jobs. 

Thu 21 Feb, 7.30pm - Organising Committee Meeting, Craft Beer Company, Upper North Street

Join us for our regular monthly meeting - open to all. There's lots to be done to publicise the "Put It To The People" march in London on 23 March and - most importantly - to campaign for remain once the People's Vote is called! We always welcome new people who are keen to get involved in our activities. Please come along!

15 Jan 2019

SODEM protest 

Parliament Square, London

We joined SODEM and hundreds of people from up and down the country to hear the announcement of the massive defeat for Theresa May's deal! We'll be ready to join again and again, for as long as it takes to stop Brexit! 

Sat 12 Jan 2019

Procession for a People's Vote

What a fantastic event we had! We were joined by 200+ people to form an impromptu Pied People's Band: rather than blindly following the 'Pied Piper' Theresa May to a cliff edge Brexit, we marched and sang to demand a People's Vote. See our videos here and here.

Fri 14 December

Bollocks to Brexit Bus came to Brighton

We gave the bus a great reception - see article in The Argus here and coverage on Latest TV here.

Sat 8 December, People's Vote Day of Action: New Road, Brighton

We had a fantastic turnout of volunteers and were joined by two of our local MPs; you can see Peter Kyle's speech here and Caroline Lucas' here.

Thu 6 December 2018,


EU citizens' rights & Brexit 

Here is the recording of the information session for EU citizens in the UK, organised by the EU Commission / representations of EU 27 in London.

20 October 2018 March for a People's Vote!

Hundreds of people from Brighton & Hove joined the hundreds of thousands who had come to London from all parts of the UK and Europe to march for a People's Vote on the final Brexit deal.


It was a fabulous day, and it was brilliant to see have friends and family there who had never been out to march before. Now we need to continue to put pressure on the Tories and on Labour to listen!  https://www.peoples-vote.uk/


And here's an interview with Susie Courtault from BH4EU and Women for Europe on Latest TV.

9 July 2018

Film screening: Postcards from the 48%,

Duke of York Picturehouse

Documentary  featuring some of the millions of people who voted Remain, the 48%, to show that the referendum result was far from a landslide victory, and just why they are fighting to stay part of the EU.

Sun 16 September,

Carnival of EUnity

Brighton & Hove for EU were joined by joined the Green Party, LibDems, Women for Europe, Women's Equality Party and other groups from across the city and beyond to celebrate our EU membership and march in defence of our rights.

Take a look at this video made by local supporters Piera and Barry, and see coverage on Latest TV.

23 June 2018

National pro-Europe march in London

We marched with 100s of 1000s of others to demand a People's Vote on Brexit.

3 March 2018

International Women's Day

Brighton & Hove for EU had a busy stall at the Dome - leaflets, petitions, information etc. We were joined for part of the day by In Limbo - Our Brexit Testimonies.

27 February 2018

Brexit Truth Bus

The #StopBrexit bus came to Brighton - and we were out to welcome it.

Here is a write-up in the Evening Argus.

17 February 2018

One Day Without Us

12.30-2.30pm, New Road, Brighton

A celebration of all migrants and their contribution to the UK. 

7 February 2018

*EUrovision flash mob*

The Eurovision heats came to the Brighton Dome in Brighton, and we had a big flash mob outside to celebrate and greet the performers and attendees! We waved our flags and banners, we sang Ode to Joy, and - with the help of the EU Flag Mafia - we handed out 1500 EU flags to people attending the event.


Watch our video to see the sea of blue and yellow flags in the Dome!  And here's a video of the flash mob

24 September 2017

#StopBrexit @ Labour Conference

Thousands of people came to Brighton to show Jeremy Corbyn and the rest of the Labour Party the strength of feeling against Brexit.